quarta-feira, 21 de julho de 2010

How to make constructive criticism?

Postado por TebhSpekman às 05:16 0 comentários
I think the best place to start is talking about how bad I felt weeks ago to see a coments about of certain images. No, are my pictures but were of other artists. Amateur or not, have suffered discrimination or at least an unfair coments.
And it is not the first time I see it in the middle of the manipulators and digital artists.

I am an observant person. This is one of my main characteristics and analyze it forever. Even from afar. And why after so see that kind of behavior I am writing this blog post, rant, request, finally, understand how they see fair.

The fact is that certain judgments that some handlers suffer most often unfair because the other has no tact, or ethics to judge.

What should really be judged on an art?

The techniques used? His knowledge on the subject? His creativity?
If you are within the subject? (If we're talking about a contest)
His departure within the time constraints imposed by the work, subjects or base?

Or should it be judged by your personal taste on art?

This is a delicate point that I have found in some contests and challenges where I see images really well executed lose your space for having "too many colors" or "color-less or" the model is not pretty "or" not like this style, I think without grace. " This is not justice. That is his opinion being imposed on a group setting or a contest, or even the style that an artist must follow.

When you are analyzing or judging an art for your personal taste should be put on the ground.
You're not the unanimity that that artist will be recognized or not.
First of all, you should evaluate pulling your heart. Technical analysis. As a teacher with a student.

Before you criticize, learn what is really taking into account. If only your taste or something that can really make a difference for the artist.
Whether professional or amateur. Everyone should have the right to improve by suggesting true.Show that you really have any knowledge about what about to add something.

Nobody is your rival.Just another colleague or perhaps a friend who shares his desire and passion for art.
Try to help him, maybe even you will not be helped and who knows you're not seeing your art will improve the shortcomings in the art of others?

It is my reflection on the subject.

See ya.

Sorry my bad English.

sexta-feira, 16 de julho de 2010


Postado por TebhSpekman às 09:36 0 comentários

"In the end the truth
is everyone ...

victims of our environment,
victims of the accident,
victims of the loop ...

Bond that unites us,
Loop that surrounds us,
twists, cuts, bites ...

Loop life
victims of life. "

quinta-feira, 15 de julho de 2010

I'm Alive

Postado por TebhSpekman às 10:57 0 comentários
"Even in life or death
you need to love someone,
cry for someone

Hurt, pain, loneliness
is just another form of love.
Another form to live without peace.

Smile, learn to smile, celebrate, dance.
Live and feel the heat running through the veins.

Live in life, not just in death."

Forgive me for not posting along to an art. But I'm really out of time.
And this poem came quickly.
I hope to soon be posting something new for you.
See ya!

quinta-feira, 8 de julho de 2010

Looking for Love

Postado por TebhSpekman às 06:09 0 comentários

"Only love can fill that emptiness.
Looking for a love, find a place ...

Looking for a caring, looking to end of the cold of my heart...

Only your love.

Only your life can fill mine.
Just be mine.

Only mine."

Looking for Love is my newest art of the The Collector of Souls. I already have a few more planned, but I shall go further forward, since I'm with several projects in parallel e. .. do not want you getting tired of the series! This work i want to dedicate to my dear friend and artist Lady-Symphonia. Who does not know, want to see your gallery, because she have wonderful works of which I have deep admiration. Beyond that is a great model! Yes, the girl is she!

I leave here my link to check the art in Deviantart and the Before and After.

And thank you to everyone who supported me!

sexta-feira, 2 de julho de 2010

Who Inspires you? - II

Postado por TebhSpekman às 05:50 0 comentários
Inspiration por Mellisa Findley


"It is defined as any stimulus to thought or creative activity.
As the result of it. "

Key word for all the artists who seek to have an impact on their work.
Be it emotional, either in color, either in concept.
Every artist seeking that magic.

Today I came with 3 more pictures that inspire me, which I have the deepest admiration.

They are:

mbrela Sky por Marta Dahlig

First the image is enchanting for me somehow to remember an environment through sandman.
No, I'm warning you, you can not see this image only small! I highly recommend that you open and see in detail what appears to be fire.
I am in a dream with these fish, this fire, the quiet intensity and at the same time that art brings me.

Moonchild por Randis Albion

The first time I saw this art was somewhere on the internet, she was very small, yet she inspired me in one of the chapters in my attempt to make a book. Who I am again on the project! I conclude, I have faith!
And these days, when I saw her on deviantart, and I could see the detail and richness that it has, in spite of its simplicity still enchants me.
And proof is not always necessary to make an art full of art elements to create a beautiful and full of emotion.

White Tower por snowskadi

What can be said? This picture tells it all. For those who love fantastic scenery is a full plate images the artist (since I think a good idea to you see this gallery). They are soft, rich in detail. It is possible to imagine a bird flying, a person walking through the towers.
This is Inspiring.

What do you think? Any suggestions of work inspirational to enter next?

See ya!

terça-feira, 29 de junho de 2010

AnimaMundi 2010 Here go!

Postado por TebhSpekman às 10:23 0 comentários

Today I come to speak of an event that I am starting to prepare myself and hopefully every year, and when it ends I'm already dreaming of next year: AnimaMundi in Brazil.

This year it will take place 16-25 July in Rio de Janeiro- Brazil and from July 28 to August 1 in São Paulo - Brazil.If you want more information on the source can check on their website.

Anyone who knows me, knows I'm passionate about visual arts and this festival is perfect, because it is full of visual arts ... and looks alone: They move on!

Making a brief recap of what I considered the best of the Anima Mundi 2009 we have:

Stretch, actually a trailer, one of the best both in the script, comedy, performance, soundtrack.
In the end you think everything is just a trailer for a movie spectacular! You want to see it!

Unfortunately there is of short videos released, only that little scene.
"Josué e o Pé de Macaxeira" is a well-done and humorous of the classic "Jack and the Beanstalk." Made with Brazillian Culture.

One that started very well and disappointed me was the Long "Sita Sing the Blues":

The whole story is told through the music of blues. Well I love a good blues. The animation has a different look and found a bold idea. You have three clear types of animations, which give the tone to the scenes .... But they forgot that as a musical movie has more music than anything else and sing in English (of course, was blues) and they did not have subtitles! In short: you understand only half of the movie (if you're like me, i have a bad English - when you can see it in this blog. ).

Finally, as the event is getting closer seek further information and divided them with you.
I hope you have enjoyed these few videos he brought home, but I confess that I saw some I can not remember the name. But the festival is worth it! If you can not give leave to do it!

See ya!

domingo, 27 de junho de 2010

The collector of souls

Postado por TebhSpekman às 10:36 0 comentários

"Every day she seeks a new soul for her collection.
She never meets the emptiness they feel in their soul.
His soul is cold, she needs love."

These days were trying to keep up with my project of the Greek Goddesses. But when I think I should be in some block, because it is already the third time I try to create art in the subject and I can not. But earlier today I tried to create on top of another idea I had to look at the stocks of Lady-Symphonia.

I imagined a collector of souls ... who want to quench your thirst for love ... end the emptiness of his soul .. with the emptiness of his life.

See the art in better resolution here.
Enjoy and compare the before and after art.


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