quarta-feira, 21 de julho de 2010

How to make constructive criticism?

Postado por TebhSpekman às 05:16
I think the best place to start is talking about how bad I felt weeks ago to see a coments about of certain images. No, are my pictures but were of other artists. Amateur or not, have suffered discrimination or at least an unfair coments.
And it is not the first time I see it in the middle of the manipulators and digital artists.

I am an observant person. This is one of my main characteristics and analyze it forever. Even from afar. And why after so see that kind of behavior I am writing this blog post, rant, request, finally, understand how they see fair.

The fact is that certain judgments that some handlers suffer most often unfair because the other has no tact, or ethics to judge.

What should really be judged on an art?

The techniques used? His knowledge on the subject? His creativity?
If you are within the subject? (If we're talking about a contest)
His departure within the time constraints imposed by the work, subjects or base?

Or should it be judged by your personal taste on art?

This is a delicate point that I have found in some contests and challenges where I see images really well executed lose your space for having "too many colors" or "color-less or" the model is not pretty "or" not like this style, I think without grace. " This is not justice. That is his opinion being imposed on a group setting or a contest, or even the style that an artist must follow.

When you are analyzing or judging an art for your personal taste should be put on the ground.
You're not the unanimity that that artist will be recognized or not.
First of all, you should evaluate pulling your heart. Technical analysis. As a teacher with a student.

Before you criticize, learn what is really taking into account. If only your taste or something that can really make a difference for the artist.
Whether professional or amateur. Everyone should have the right to improve by suggesting true.Show that you really have any knowledge about what about to add something.

Nobody is your rival.Just another colleague or perhaps a friend who shares his desire and passion for art.
Try to help him, maybe even you will not be helped and who knows you're not seeing your art will improve the shortcomings in the art of others?

It is my reflection on the subject.

See ya.

Sorry my bad English.

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